Grayson Doar
Communications Officer

Grayson Doar has been a physical therapist in the USA for 15 years. She is a Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy as well as a Certified Expert for the Aging Adult. Her clinical works focuses on musculoskeletal injuries, vestibular disorders, mild traumatic brain injury, and balance/falls at the University of Utah Balance and Mobility Clinic. She teaches Vestibular Rehabilitation and Complex Patient Care within the University of Utah Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

She has served on the Board of Directors for the Balance and Falls SIG of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), and as Public Relations Chairperson and Vice President of the APTA Utah. Grayson has been a representative and advocate in Falls Prevention in many different areas of the community including speaking at Lifelong Learning classes organized by the University of Utah, educating other healthcare providers on fall prevention, and sitting on committee’s at the university and state level.

While not at work, Grayson loves to cook, hike in the beautiful mountains of Utah, and travel with her husband and son.


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