Aging and Spinal Cord Injury

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Discussing guidelines, activity, nutrition and health in the aging SCI population.

Both life expectancy and the average age of SCI onset are increasingly globally. The need to address this is highlighted in this webinar with 6 guest speakers from the globe.

  • Claire Guy (Phyiotherapist UK): Guidelines for managing older people in the UK with some updated population figures.
  • Janet Thomas (Physiotherapist Scotland): Ageing from middle age to frailty, considering the impact of sedentary behaviours.
  • Sofie Jörgensen and OT Ulrica Antepohl (Sweden): Healthy and sustainable aging with SCI.
  • Camila Quel de Oliveira (Australia): Physical activity in middle age and older people with SCI.
  • Anna-Carin Lagerström (Physiotherapist Sweden): Patient education on nutitional needs and weight management – from the acute fase to living and aging with SCI. A task alsof or PT’s?
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