
To support our mission to serve as the international resource for physical therapists working with older people, we are building resources here for ongoing knowledge exchange and professional development.

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Open Access Geriatric Journals
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Physiotherapists are pivotal in the care of people living with dementia

In October 2022 the World Health Organisation (WHO) factsheetabout the global ageing of the population, forecasted that ...

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The recommendations in these updated and revised Australian fall prevention guidelines are based on evidence from interv...

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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – JAMA Februari 1, 2024

Physical activity is associated with the risk for cognitive decline, but much of the evidence in this domain comes from ...

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Cognitive and Mental Health Special Interest Group Toolkit

Quick screening tools for individuals demonstrating cognitive deficits. Geriatrics is a rapidly growing specialty in phy...

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Physical Activity for Older People: a toolkit for action

This ACTIVE toolkit provides evidence-based guidance on the key approaches to promote and enable older people to be phys...

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World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative

‘It takes a child one year to acquire independent movement and ten years to acquire independent mobility. An old perso...

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Falls Prevention Awareness week - September 22 - 24, 2022

The US National Council on Aging has created an interdisciplinary toolkit for #NFPAW2022. This year’s Falls Preven...

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An interdisciplinary statement of scientific societies for the advancement of delirium care across Europe (EDA, EANS, EUGMS, COTEC, IPTOP/WCPT)

The objective of this paper is to promote the interdisciplinary approach in the prevention and management of delirium as...

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STEADI - STopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries

Empowering Healtcare Providers to Reduce Fall Risks. As a healthcare provider, you can use CDC’s STEADI initiative to ...

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Frailty Seminar Series 2021-2022

Dr. Gustavo Duque is inviting us to join their team at these interesting series of seminars on frailty in older persons....

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APTA Geriatrics - Balance and Falls Special Interest Group

The primary purpose of the Balance and Falls SIG is to provide a forum for the increase of knowledge and quality of Phys...

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GEMCast Podcast: How to Help Prevent the Next Fall in your Older Adults

1 in 4 adults 65+ fall each year and 1 out of 5 falls causes a serious injury. Fall death rates in the US increased by 3...

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Vivifrail project

The Vivifrail Project is an international reference for community and hospital intervention to prevent frailty and falls...

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Exercises at Home for Older Adults

A team of physiotherapists from around Australia, with clinical and academic expertise in exercise and other forms of ph...

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THE TORONTO REHAB – KITE RESEARCH Reactive Balance Training Toolkit (ReBal Kit)

KITE – Knowledge, Innovation, Talent, Everywhere is a world leader in complex rehabilitation science and is dedica...

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Physical Activity for People with Dementia - text

Understanding why people with dementia do or don’t stay physically active following their diagnosis: – Is st...

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The World Physiotherapy Congress 2023 will take place in Dubai, UAE, 2-4 June 2023

It will offer an unparalleled opportunity to meet with experts and colleagues from around the world, exchange and share ...

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EU Falls Festival - Falls prevention: Getting things done in practice - Abstract Book

The Centre of Expertise for Fall and Fracture Prevention Flanders wishes to update you on the decision to postpone the ...

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An Introduction to Telehealth for Physiotherapists

Physiopedia, a partner of World Physiotherapy, offers an introduction to Telehealth for physiotherapists.

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APA: safe exercises at home for older people

A team of physiotherapists from around Australia, with clinical and academic expertise in exercise and other forms of ph...

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APTA Geriatrics - Early Mobilization

Early Mobilization Reduces the Risk of Adverse Events and Improves Function: Research on the Value of Physical Therapy. ...

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APTA Geriatrics - Exercise Recommendations for Older Adults

Table of recommendations for exercise for older adults. These recommendations are based on the best available scientific...

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Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults 65 years and older

These guidelines are unique because they don’t just focus on a single movement behaviour, but instead look at how all ...

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Canadian Physiotherapy Association Telehealth Resource

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association resource page offers a wealth of information to help physiotherapists all over th...

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Clinical Frailty Scale

Clinical Frailty Scale from Dalhouse University.

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Otago Exercise Programme

The Otago Exercise Programme, was developed and validated by Dr. John Campbell and Dr. Clare Robertson at the University...

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Physiopedia: Clinical Guidelines

Resource of Clinical Guidelines from Physiopedia on many patient conditions and diagnoses. For clinical guidelines speci...

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Clock Yourself

Clock Yourself is an app developed by Meg Lowry, a physiotherapist in Australia. Originating in neurological rehabilitat...

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COVID Rehabilitation Paradox

Why we need to protect and develop Geriatric Rehabilitation Services in the face of the pandemic Authors: Stefan Grund, ...

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Exercices and Physical Activity during COVID19

IPTOP has compiled this resource to help you with promoting physical activity and exercise with older adults.

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Exercises to Prevent Falls in Older Adults

Exercises to Prevent Falls in Older Adults: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sherrington et al. 2016

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Gait Speed

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Geriatrics published an important white paper by Stacy Fritz, PT, PhD &...

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Helping Older Adults Exercise During Covid-19 Restrictions

As we know, older people and people with health problems are at high risk with COVID 19, and have been advised to stay a...

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IPTOP and HUR entered into a two-year partnership in 2019. HUR provided sponsorship funding to support IPTOP in costs as...

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International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA)

IPTOP and IPA work together to seek collaborative opportunities to provide education to physiotherapists and other healt...

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Invited Topical Review in Journal Physiotherapy from Australian Physiotherapy Association

Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations.

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IPTOP Exercise Resources during Covid-19

IPTOP has gathered information to support members during the COVID19 pandemic.

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More Telehealth Resources from Physiopedia

Physiopedia offers more information and resources for physiotherapist providing Telehealth to older adults. Included in ...

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National Institute on Aging

NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and ...

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Organisations Working with Older People

Alzheimer International Society American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Geriatric Rehabilitation Networking Group...

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Physiopedia - Covid-19 Post-Acute Rehab Course

Covid-19 Post-Acute Rehab Course presented by Physiopedia.

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Physiopedia: Functional Outcomes Measures

Resource from Physiopedia on commonly used functional outcome measures for the Geriatric population.

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Shirley Ryan Rehab Measures

Resource by Shirley Ryan Ability Lab on Rehab Functional Measures.

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The British Geriatric Society - Covid-19 Resources

The British Geriatric Society has compiled resources on rehabilitation of older people in context of the COVID-19 pandem...

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Train Program

MACQUARIE University – Sydney, Australia A clinician’s guide to effective task specific training. (Kate Scri...

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WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity

Up to 5 million deaths a year could be averted if the global population was more active. At a time when many people are ...

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World Physiotherapy Covid-19 Resources

World Physiotherapy is a global hub for information and resources about COVID-19 relevant to the physiotherapy professio...

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World Physiotherapy Resources

World Physiotherapy has published a series of briefing papers exploring the impact of COVID-19 on education, practice, a...

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